Resident Library Cards
Resident library cards may be issued free-of-charge to residents of Genesee, Orleans and Niagara counties, and to those who work, own property or attend school within the borders of the Batavia City School District.
Photo ID with name and current street address must be presented to apply for a card, or to replace a lost card. When primary residence within Genesee, Orleans, or Niagara counties is not established, additional proof of working, attending school, or owning property within the borders of the Batavia City School District is required.
Children may be issued resident cards and their replacements when they can sign their own name, and after having established identity and residency in the manner described above, or in the presence and under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian who has.
Non-Resident Library Cards
Non-resident library cards may be purchased by adults for an annual fee of $40.00 (for 12 months), or a quarterly fee of $12.00 (for 3 months), in accordance with the terms of the 2023 Circulation Guidelines Non-resident
Institutional Library Cards
Institutional library cards may be issued to schools, daycare centers, and other agencies that partner with the library in support of its mission, in accordance with the terms of the 2023 Circulation Guidelines Organizations
Replacement Card Fees
Fees for lost cards are $1.00 for each replacement.
Loan Periods & Limits
- Most library materials (books, periodicals and audiobooks) circulate for a three-week loan period.
- New DVDs and New Music CDs circulate for a one-week loan period. Other DVDs and Music CDs circulate for a two-week loan period.
- Cake pans, kits, and games circulate for a one-week loan period.
- DVDs are limited to 10 per library card.
Renewals & Requests
- All materials may be renewed twice unless the item is on a waiting list.
- Materials may be renewed or requested in person, by phone (585-343-9550), or online. For phone renewals please have your library card handy.
Fines & Fees
As of April 11, 2023, Richmond Memorial Library no longer charges late fees for items owned by RML. Items belonging to other libraries in the NIOGA system are still subject to late fees.
Lost or damaged materials will be charged the library's full recorded retail price as cataloged, or the full retail replacement cost if not cataloged. Material exchanges are not accepted in lieu of payment.
Borrowing privileges are suspended when overdue fees exceed $5.00.
Fines may be reduced up to 50% by the Library Director for extenuating circumstances such as hospitalization, theft, fire, flood, etc. A written request and supporting documentation must be supplied by the patron.
Lost items found within one year of payment will be refunded by check on the next available library board warrant. Refunds for found materials will be made in full minus any overdue fees accrued on the materials.
Computer Use
Use of library computers and Internet access is available with a valid library card. Computer check out is for one hour, renewable two times unless there are computer reservations pending.
Children under 18 years of age must have parental/legal guardian permission to use the Internet. Forms giving parental permission must be signed at the library. Inquire at the main desk.
All patrons using the library’s computers must agree to the Computer and Internet Use Policy and Rules (PDF).
Computer Help
Reference librarians are available for assistance during normal operating hours.
The library offers free bi-weekly one-on-one Tech Tutoring led by a librarian. Drop-in anytime to get assistance.
For self-help:
- The Public Library Association's offers short introductory classes on a wide variety of topics, such as Getting Started on a Computer, Intro to Email, Creating Resumes, Online Job Searching, Basic Microsoft Word, and more. All classes are free.
- Our database Testing and Education Reference Center includes tutorials on Microsoft applications Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Access. After logging in (you may be required to enter your library card barcode), click "Basic Skills" and then "Microsoft Tutorials." Please note that access is limited to Richmond Memorial Library cardholders.
WiFi Use
The library offers free wi-fi access on the main floor. No registration or sign up is necessary to use wi-fi. For further information see Wi-Fi Policy (PDF).
Visitor Cards
Visitor cards for Internet use are available at the library. These cards allow visitors to use the library’s computers for Internet access for one hour with one renewal providing there are no reservations pending. Valid identification must be presented to be issued a visitor card. For further information see Internet Use Policy for Visitors (PDF).
Meeting Rooms
The library offers two public meeting rooms: the upstairs Gallery Room (capacity 100 persons) and the basement Dorothy Wilber Memorial Room (capacity 25 persons).
Community and not-for-profit groups are welcome to use the library's meeting rooms once a month. To request a meeting space you may contact the library directly to obtain a Meeting Room Request Form or submit online using the Request Form link below.
The Gallery Room of the library features a monthly art exhibit. Any artists interested in displaying their work in the Gallery must contact the library directly.
Detailed Policies
(These are all in PDF format)
- Circulation Policies: 2023 Circulation Guidelines | 2023 Circulation Guidelines Non-resident | 2023 Circulation Guidelines Organizations
- Collection Management Policy
- Computer and Internet Use Policies: Computer and Internet Use Policy and Rules | Internet Use Policy for Visitors | Wi-Fi Policy
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Financial Policies: Financial Policy | Credit Card Policy | Employee Reimbursement Policy | Gift Policy | Petty Cash Fund Policy | Procurement Policy
- Meeting Room Policies & Procedures: Meeting Room Policy | Gallery Room Procedure
- Animals in the Library Policy
- 2024 Library Displays, Exhibits, and Bulletin Boards
- Patron Code of Conduct
- Safe Child Policy
- Sexual Harassment Policy
- Surplus Materials and Equipment Policy
- Tobacco-Free Policy.pdf
Tobacco-Free Policy
- Volunteer Policy
- Whistleblower Policy
Operations of the Cafe are suspended until further notice due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Computer Help
Reference librarians are available for assistance during normal operating hours.
The library offers free monthly computer classes presented by BTOP Express. Two classes are usually offered each month, both on the same day (in morning and afternoon sessions).
For self-help:
- The Public Library Association's offers short introductory classes on a wide variety of topics, such as Getting Started on a Computer, Intro to Email, Creating Resumes, Online Job Searching, Basic Microsoft Word, and more. All classes are free.
- Our database Testing and Education Reference Center includes tutorials on Microsoft applications Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Access. After logging in (you may be required to enter your library card barcode), click "Basic Skills" and then "Microsoft Tutorials." Please note that access is limited to Richmond Memorial Library cardholders.
Copying / Printing / Faxing / Scanning
Photocopies are available for 20¢ per page for black & white and 50¢ per page for color. Available sizes are letter (8.5"x11") and legal (8.5"x14").
Printing from public computers is 20¢ per page for black & white and 50¢ per page for color.
Faxing is available for $1.00 per page. The library does outgoing faxes only (the UPS Store in Batavia receives faxes for $1.60 a page).
Self-Serve Scanning from computer is available on Public PC's 00 and 01. Scans can be saved to your own flash drive, to email, or printed at the Printing prices above.
Genealogy Assistance
Reference librarians are available for basic genealogy assistance during normal library hours.
To discover your story and make an appointment to meet with our Special Collections Librarian, contact the reference desk or email:
A large number of online resources are posted on our Local History page.
Homebound Services
The Library Visits program provides library services to older adults in Genesee County who are unable to visit the library. Please see our separate page for complete information.
Interlibrary Loan
Materials can be borrowed for Richmond Library patrons from other libraries in the Nioga System, major public and academic libraries in the State and the New York State Library in Albany. Please call the Reference Desk at (585) 343-9550 x1502 for more information.
The library has an extensive collection of microfilm, including a near-complete run of the Batavia Daily News.
We have three microfilm machines, including two new ScanPro 3000 digital readers. All microfilm machines are connected to computers for saving documents to your flash drive, or for printing.
Notary Public
Notary public services are available at no charge. Please call ahead (585-343-9550 x1501) to confirm the notary's hours.
Proctoring of Exams
The library does not proctor exams or tests. Please contact the Genesee Community College Testing Center for help.
Programs and Events
Reference and Research Assistance
Trained staff are available to assist users by phone, email, or on site. For adult help, call 585-343-9550 x3. For children's and teen help, call 585-343-9550 x4. All email questions may be sent to
Tax Forms
Early every year, the library offers a limited number of free federal and New York State tax forms. We do not carry all forms, focusing instead on the most common (1040, etc.).
A complete selection of federal and state tax forms are available for download on library computers; normal copying costs apply.